

Tropicare-Facial Scrub Soap , 75 ml

Product Code: 337
Price: $12.4
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Description: Cleansing Scrub for all skin types. Easily and quickly foams. It has a pleasant smell. Contains a high concentration of granules of various sizes which gently without damaging the skin, massaging it and remove old dead cells.

Action: Clears skin, making it nice and tender, enhances facial skin turgor, prevention of skin aging.

Ingredients: Green tea extract, bicabalol, lactic acid, as well as extracts of tropical fruits: coconut, pineapple, passion fruit and kiwi.

Method of application: Recommended for normal to dry skin after 20 years. Apply 2-3 times a week. After applying the mask cause Tropicare or Tresan Tropicare.

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