Rewards Program
Hanna-Bella Rewards Program is a simple and rewarding way to share your favorite website with others through e-mail, blogs, or social networking. Customers receive a gift when first purchase and from 3 to 7% on the following orders and you will receive at least 5 % of the rewards from their orders, placed through your custom premium link.
You can use these rewards for purchases in Hanna-Bella shop (you should have 50 USD on your rewards ballance) or transfer it as soon as will be $300 or more.
Please note that you must be a registered purchaser of the Hanna-Bella to participate in the Hanna-Bella Rewards program.
It's easy to start sharing links.
Just sign into your personal account at our site and go to My account. Next, click View Referrers. There you'll find a link for sharing that you can share with others. This link already contains your unique referrer code. Your code is listed at the end of this link as last digits, that you can also share with other people.