


Product Code: 104024
Price: $25.7

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Avoiding serious skin problems, as well as significantly improve the condition of oily skin will allow the use of proper care products.
Israeli cosmetic brand Holy Land offers attention to the owners of oily skin Holy Land lotion Double Action. With it, you can achieve incredible results: Double Action lotion effectively eliminates sweat, skin fat and dust from the skin, effectively cleans it, and also narrows the pores.
The application of lotion Double Action Face Lotion provides toning and disinfection of the facial skin, as well as the elimination of inflammation and itching.
Essential oils of peppermint and eucalyptus, which are contained in the Holy Land Double Action Face Lotion, perfectly refresh and cool the skin of the face.
Normalization of the pH level is the prerogative of a lotion component such as citric acid. It also effectively calms the inflamed patches of the skin, fights hyperpigmentation.
For the normalization of blood circulation, camphor responds, and for rapid healing of wounds and microcracks, the fight against pathogenic bacteria is clove oil, which acts as a powerful antiseptic.
Means for the care of oily skin need to wipe the skin every morning and evening.
A lotion moistened with a cotton pad should be treated with skin areas, avoiding the area around the eyes.

Наталья | 06/07/2017
2 reviews
Отличный лосьон: выравнивает поверхность кожи, освежает, тонизирует. Подходит для возрастной проблемной кожи. Прекрасное качество продукции, мгновенный эффект!
Валентина | 23/06/2015
2 reviews
DOUBLE ACTION FACE LOTION- очень достойная серия для проблемной кожи, я заказывала жидкое мыло, маску, тоник. Все очень понравилось,как закончиться обязательно закажу еще!!!

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