


Product Code: 175599
Price: $82.4
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A sufficient amount of vitamins in the human body is a pledge of the normal functioning of all organ systems, beautiful well-being and external beauty.
Vitamins are also necessary for long-term preservation of youth and freshness of the skin.
A full complex of vitamins is contained in a special skin care product - serum with vitamin C for the face of Holy Land C the Success Serum.
Innovative formulas were developed by Israeli cosmetists in the progressive cosmetics company Holy Land.
In addition to vitamins, a miracle cure with vitamin C, which will help you make the right choice, also includes witch hazel extract.
Serum with vitamin C is a multifunctional agent that:
1. Has anti-inflammatory effect.
2. Reduces the level of skin sensitivity.
3. For a long time retains the elasticity and elasticity of the skin.
4. Preserves the youthfulness of the skin, stopping its aging.
The maximum effect from the application of whey with vitamin C occurs only when the remedy is in contact with the skin. Vitamins, which are contained in microcapsules, get on the skin, and oxidative processes occur.
In the composition of whey with vitamin C, which you can buy in this online store, there is oil of orange peel.
The role of a powerful antioxidant is concentrated vitamin C. It also includes toning the skin, as well as strengthening the vessels.

Kuzmina Olga | 04/07/2019
3 reviews
Я в восторге от этой сыворотки. Особенно люблю ее в летний период ,она спасает от пигментации.Кожа после сияет и приобретает здоровый цвет.
taty-vinogradova | 25/01/2015
3 reviews
Сыворотка нравится, после нее действительно кожа выглядит лучше-моложе, более упругой и подтянутой. Один недостаток-заканчивается быстро.
Марина | 07/01/2015
3 reviews
Сыворотка замечательная. После нанесения быстро впитывается.Кожа после ее применения сияет, появляется здоровый цвет лица, пигментные пятна становятся светлее, подтягивается овал. Великолепный результат виден в сочетании этой сыворотки с ночным кремом ABR.

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