


Brand: GIGI
Product Code: 11542
Price: $83.5
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Milk peeling contains milk and glycolic acid at a concentration of 13.5%. Due to molecules with an average molecular weight, the process of exfoliation is accelerated when the peeling is briefly applied to the skin. Lactic acid is an important component of the mechanism of maintaining the natural moisture of the skin, so its use does not cause skin irritation. After peeling, the skin becomes more smooth and soft to the touch, looks radiant and fresh. Improves the natural balance of moisture in the epidermis. The pigment spots and the general tone of the skin are lightened. Reduces the depth of wrinkles. The skin acquires a fresh and healthy appearance. Perfect for all skin types. The peeling procedure can be carried out at any time of the year!
Active ingredients: Lactic acid, glycolic acid.
Method of application: Apply a peeling layer to the cleansed skin, bypassing the orbital zone and the area of ​​the lips, after 5-10 minutes, rinse with water.

Irina | 06/04/2018
1 reviews
Один из любимейших моих пилингов для домашнего использования!!! Применяю его круглогодично (и летом тоже), выдерживаю его, правда не 10-15 минут, а минут 30 (но у меня толстая возрастная кожа, пощипывает у меня не сильно), эффект от него обожаю!!! Лицо подтянутое, свежее, овал лица подтянут, главное не лениться делать раз в неделю. После него надо сделать как минимум пару масочек и ты красавица!!!!

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